Google Shared Tips for Protecting Children's Information Online


Distance learning during the pandemic requires children to create many online accounts to optimally follow the teaching and learning process. Parents should also monitor the use of these accounts to protect children's safety on the internet.
The results of a Google survey in Asia Pacific and Latin America in February 2021 found that the security of children's information is one of the concerns of parents today. This includes threats such as fraud and hacking or hacking.

Veronica Utami, Marketing Director of YouTube at Google says that before getting children's accounts, parents must first understand the topic of internet safety.

"Unfortunately more than a third of parents never discuss this topic with their children," said Veronica in a virtual media briefing, Wednesday (30/6/2021).

"It's good that around 66% of parents currently use family safety features online. Not bad, but of course we want 100%, we want all parents to be fluent in protecting their families through the safety features provided by platforms like Google and YouTube ,” he continued.

According to Veronica, the key to preventing children's accounts from being hacked is to use strong passwords that cannot be easily guessed. If you don't want the trouble of creating and remembering complicated passwords, you can use Google's password manager service.

This password manager can also alert users if their passwords are leaked or compromised due to a data breach. If you have a Google account, make sure two-step verification is turned on.

Parents must also know the email and password used by the child to register to the account in order to be connected to the Family Link application. This app allows parents to set what apps kids can access and also screen time.

In addition to security threats from hackers and cybercriminals, Veronica also warns about threats from predators and bullies who restrain children while surfing the internet. He suggests using the report and block feature that many social media platforms already have.

"After all this is still interrupted, we have to resign if we have to stop using this application. And we have control, right, if we use Family Link, we can choose this application cannot be opened by our children at all, "conclude Veronica.
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