Jeff Bezos Money If Arranged It Could Go To Space


Senior physicist Neil deGrasse Tyson said, Jeff Bezos' property if he is stacked into space. Its height could be twice the range of the Blue Origins rocket launched yesterday.
This he conveyed in a tweet he posted on July 19, 2021. Tyson’s tweet immediately got a mixed reaction from netizens.

"The net worth of @JeffBezos is around USD 200 billion. That pile of dollars will double the launch of its Blue Origins rocket," wrote Tyson, who was liked more than 14,000 times.

But not everyone agrees with Tyson’s calculations. One of them is @my_physical.

"Ummm, that's not true. Someone definitely didn't check it before you tweeted. I just said yes. JB didn't fly as far as about 6 thousand miles. What did you do to make a living? As a Science educator? All that time. Here, I'll try to help, Neil. Pretend one US dollar is thin at 0.0043, "he said.

"200,000,000,000 times 0.0043 inches = 860,000,000 inches = 71,666,666 feet = 13,573 miles. The Blue Origin only went up ~ 62 miles ... Looks like JAAAUUUH more than 2x. Am I miscalculating?" another word.

"I converted it to metrics (much easier math) and this seems to be right, I gained 21,800 km. Neils' math, wrong, technically correct (height more than doubled)," this netizen also surpassed Tyson's total.

Please note, the limit of the Earth's sub-orbit is 100 km above sea level. After that he entered space, so that 21,800 km has penetrated far enough into space.

But there are those who think Tyson's calculations are correct. Some even argue, how much money is stacked up? Is it USD 1? Or USD 100 bill?

Yes, that is correct. Arguing will be long. In fact, Jeff Bezos ’wealth still makes him the richest man in the world.
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