Clubhouse Delete Personal Information of Afghan Users


Clubhouse took steps to delete personal information in the form of bios and profile photos of its users in Afghanistan. This is done to protect the privacy and security of its users there.

The removal of this information also makes user accounts in Afghanistan more difficult to find on the Clubhouse search page. Clubhouse spokesman said, the steps they take will not affect the number of followers of the user.

Quoted from The Verge, this change can also be canceled if the user does not want it. In addition, the Clubhouse reminds users in Afghanistan to use pseudonyms for security reasons and to protect human rights.

Prior to making this decision, the Clubhouse had consulted with experts on freedom of expression and violent extremism to help them implement the policy, especially taking into account the Taliban's success in seizing power in Afghanistan.

To note, after the Kabul government into the hands of the Taliban, many people in Afghanistan deleted photos on their social media accounts. Not only that, they also deleted telephone numbers to eliminate evidence of ties to Western countries or the previous Afghan government.

Since the Taliban came to power in Afghanistan, residents there have been concerned about their data, including biometric databases and digital traces that the Taliban can use to track enemies and their families.

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