Can Viruses Be Made by Humans?

 The issue of US funding for the Wuhan Lab shocked people and started wild speculation. Could COVID-19 be intentionally created?

According to Medical News, viruses can more precisely be genetically engineered for a variety of reasons. Generally it can be used for gene therapy for the treatment of genetic diseases, cancer-killing viruses, vaccine development, and boosting immune cells.

Viruses basically consist of a nucleic acid core surrounded by a protein coat. The protein coat contains specific glycoproteins that allow them to bind to receptors in the body, causing them to fuse with the cell membrane and release their nucleic acid sequences to infect the cell.

The viruses most commonly used for gene therapy are adenoviruses, adeno-associated viruses, lentiviruses, retroviruses, and herpes simplex virus.

Numerous animal studies have demonstrated the surprisingly good ability of genetically modified viruses in gene therapy efforts to cure disease. In addition, clinical trials have also shown some positive results regarding the treatment of genetically inherited disorders. However, many of these are in their early stages and require further trials before they can be considered clinical success.

Viruses are also used for vaccines. Fight viruses with 'viruses'. Common pathogenic viruses can be genetically modified to make them weaker to attack the human body, so they are less virulent but still recognizable by the immune system resulting in a strong immune response against them. In short, weakened to fight.

The next question, could Sars-CoV-2 have been genetically engineered? Actually the answer has been there since the beginning of the pandemic. The assumption by some that the acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 that causes COVID-19 may have been genetically engineered by scientists to make it spread more efficiently in humans has been debunked by many studies that provide evidence that the virus evolved naturally.

However, research is still ongoing and some people are choosing to focus on eradicating the pandemic rather than debating the issue more deeply.

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