The Threat of Extreme Solar Storms: Could Do the Internet Doomsday to Power Outages

 To most people, solar storms sound scary. Moreover, this phenomenon is considered as one of the threats from outer space in addition to space debris and asteroids. Actually, solar storms are nothing to fear because our Earth has a shield to ward off them.

However, there are a number of things that will indeed disrupt human life on Earth when a solar storm occurs. The following are some of the potential threats of extreme solar storms, summarized by us from various sources, Saturday (11/9/2021).

1. Internet apocalypse

According to research presented at SIGCOMM 2021, it is possible that extreme solar storms may disrupt internet connections on Earth. Assistant professor at the University of California, Sangeetha Abdu Jyothi, in his paper said extreme solar storms could result in an 'internet apocalypse' that would make it difficult for most of the population to connect to the internet for weeks.

"What really makes me think about this is with the pandemic we are seeing how unprepared the world is. There are no protocols to deal with it effectively, not even the resilience of the internet. Our infrastructure is not ready for large-scale solar phenomena," Abdu Jyoth said as quoted from LiveScience.

2. Damage the satellite

The impact of solar storms is more dangerous for technology in space.


The danger is not to life but to space technology. When the satellites are hit by a solar storm, and if the satellite's protection fails to overcome it, of course the instruments on the satellite are damaged. If the satellite is damaged, then the services on Earth that use the satellite will be disrupted.

So, while not harming living things on Earth, solar storms have an indirect impact on life. The reason is that satellite-based services have become a modern human need. Call it communications, broadcasting and banking data communications, for example, all of which are highly dependent on satellites.

3. Power outage

Disturbances in the Earth's magnetic field can cause the Earth's magnetic field gap to open around the poles so that charged particles of protons and electrons can enter Earth's atmosphere, forming auroras and can induce electrical networks.

"In 1989, a transformer in Quebec, Canada was induced to burn and shut off electricity in a large area. Burned because of the induction of energetic particles from solar storms," ​​said Djamal.

How about in Indonesia? Thomas said that induction of the electricity grid is not possible in the equatorial region which is located at low latitudes such as in Indonesia.

"It is very minimal to go to the equator because it follows the Earth's magnetic field that leads to the poles. So if in Indonesia, call it a magnetic field protector and a protective ozone layer, it is quite safe. Solar storms in the equatorial region are safe," he said.

He added, solar storms have existed since ancient times. But because Earth has a strong protector, Earth is safe. The first two strong shields are the magnetosphere or magnetic field layer that protects from energetic or high-energy particles containing protons and electrons, so that they do not harm humans on Earth.

Second, there is the ozone layer which protects ultraviolet radiation from the Sun. Because when a solar storm occurs, there is an increase in the emission of energetic particles or energetic particles and radiation from the Sun.

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