Why Are The Richest People's Space Companies Hated So Much?

 Jeff Bezos some time ago successfully flew into Earth's orbit using a New Shepard rocket made by his space company, Blue Origin. Blue Origin is definitely a great company, not many people can build spaceships. However, this company is considered by many to hate.

"At a time when the aerospace sector is booming, one company that gets the majority of the ire is Blue Origin," Space.com said.

Blue Origin was founded in 2000 and is gradually making progress. The climax was recently when for the first time Bezos and three other crew members successfully flew, paving the way for the space tourism business.

But it was precisely this achievement that brought Blue Origin into the spotlight, especially since its owner Bezos is the richest person in the world. Virgin Galactic who flew first may be less famous than Blue Origin so it is not the target of criticism.

"There has been a lot of criticism on the flight, about the high cost. So far the passengers are very, very rich. It raises questions about who will benefit," said Christian Davenport, author of The Space Barons.

There's been a lot of discussion about whether Blue Origin and other companies deserve to operate the space business and make a positive impact on people. Many consider the spacecraft to be just an expensive toy for Bezos.

Criticism has also come from politicians such as Senator Elizabeth Warren. "Jeff Bezos can be happy to fly into space at a time when he and other billionaires have circumvented the system so that they pay almost zero taxes," he wrote on Twitter.

Blue Origin has also recently continued to voice NASA unfairly by choosing SpaceX as the company to make the moon landing system, even filing a lawsuit. Even though NASA has been considered fair by choosing SpaceX whose system is considered tested and cheaper.

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