Can Cameras Really Capture Ghost Photos?


Often we are presented with an apparition caught on camera. The question is, can the camera really capture the existence of ghosts or ghosts?

This is a very interesting question to discuss. The phenomenon was then explained technically by the photographer.

"I'm a skeptic from a photographer's point of view and as someone who doesn't believe in ghosts... there isn't much out there that can't be attributed to some kind of photographic technique," said Michael Pritchard Director-general of the Royal Photographic Society.

In fact, the 'capture' of ghosts in the history of photography has been around for a long time. The first time the camera was invented, a ghost had appeared in the photo.

The roots of ghost photography can be traced back to the 19th century. During the 1850s and 1860s, many photographers experimented with new effects, such as stereoscopic images and double exposure. However, some rogue photographers see this as something that can be used to their advantage.

An American amateur photographer, William Mumler is credited with being the first to capture 'spirit' in a photograph in the early 1860s.

This important image appears to show the apparition of his dead cousin. At first, experts struggled to find anything fake about Mumler's spirit photos. However, the amateur became a professional. His business was profitable especially driven by relatives of those who died in the American Civil War.

Mumler was eventually tried for fraud. The most damning moment in the trial came when a fake photo was presented to show how easy it was to 'present' one of the images of Mumler's spirit.

Despite the incriminating evidence, Mumler was acquitted of fraud. Until now, ghost photography has been a hitherto debated subject. This is excerpted from the BBC.

In your opinion, can someone catch a ghost through their camera? Because it can't be denied either, there are a number of photos that are enough to make you think again 'is this the form of a ghost?'.

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