Can I Drink Ice After Vaccine?


There are many concerns among parents who accompany their children with the vaccine, one of which is, is it okay to drink ice after the vaccine? Parents are confused, especially if the children sulk to buy ice after the injection.

Will drinking ice affect the performance of the vaccine? The answer, after the vaccine can drink ice, and will not have a harmful impact on the effectiveness of the vaccine.

The World Health Organization WHO, through its official website, has explained that no certain food or drink is prohibited after vaccination, in this case especially the COVID-19 vaccine. WHO confirms this, because vaccine performance will not be affected by food or drink intake.

So, as long as the body feels fit, feel free to eat cold food or drinks. However, there are a few things to keep in mind after the vaccine:

Drink more water

Drinking lots of water is very good to avoid dehydration. Some types of COVID-19 vaccines generally cause side effects such as muscle aches, headaches, fatigue, and fever. A well-hydrated body will shorten the duration of side effects.

Avoid alcohol and tobacco

Although there are no scientific journals that state the side effects of alcohol and tobacco or cigarettes on vaccination, it is recommended not to consume alcohol and cigarettes after vaccination. This is because it may worsen the side effects of the vaccine.

Alcohol is said to negatively affect a person's immune system. If taken after vaccination, the body's immune response to the vaccine may not be effective. This also applies to tobacco.

Eat a balanced diet

To avoid severe side effects of the vaccine, it is recommended to eat a balanced diet, foods that can increase immunity, have high nutrition, and are rich in vitamin C.

Avoid strenuous physical activity

After vaccination, the body must rest so that the vaccination can work optimally. At least, rest the body for 2 to 3 days from strenuous physical activity. This is because the body needs time to recover from the side effects of the vaccine.

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