Huawei is lined up to be the fastest growing cloud computing company


An authoritative analyst organization, Omdia released the Omdia Universe report, 2021-2022 rankings of global public cloud providers. The report places HUAWEI CLOUD in the 1st rank among cloud service providers in China.

Omdia's report is based on research with the variables of the vendor's overall ability (X), customer experience (Y) and market presence. The report also covers IaaS, PaaS applications, databases, AI, containers, and edge clouds.

According to the report, HUAWEI CLOUD is the fastest growing cloud computing service (CSP) provider in terms of capabilities and impact on products in the world.

The solution score is 94%, which exceeds the minimum required for the leader category, which is 90%. HUAWEI CLOUD also has the highest score in the customer experience category at 89%.

This notch feels right to be given, because for the last 30 years HUAWEI CLOUD has continued to build the cloud foundation. HUAWEI CLOUD also never stops innovating and continues to promote its services.

As in the Huawei Connect 2021 activity last September, Huawei introduced 2 new regions and 10 new services. These services include MacroVerse aPaaS, OptVerse AI Solver, HUAWEI CLOUD Stack 8.1, Pangu drug molecule model, and SparkRTC.

In the same month, HUAWEI CLOUD also launched more than 220 cloud services and more than 210 solutions, attracted more than 2.3 million developers, more than 14,000 consulting partners, more than 6,000 technical partners, and released more than 4,500 Marketplace products.

HUAWEI CLOUD has worked with partners to operate 61 AZs in 27 regions worldwide, serving more than 170 countries and regions.

In October, HUAWEI CLOUD also released the Cloud Native 2.0 paradigm which covers ten aspects namely ubiquity, computing, scheduling, networking, Internet of Everything (IoE), applications, data, intelligence, security, and empowerment.

HUAWEI CLOUD itself continues to add to the success stories of its customers from all over the world. There are already many customers who use HUAWEI CLOUD, one of which is J&T Express. HUAWEI CLOUD has a complete cloud service, and for hybrid cloud it is the best to date.

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