Sophisticated Sensors Can Detect Someone's Lies

 To find out someone's lies, especially when dealing with law enforcement, will usually be seen from the way he talks.

Usually when people lie their body signs will be restless, stuttering when speaking, avoiding eye contact. However, this method does not always work, often people are good at lying.

To overcome this, Professor Dino Levy, Professor Yael Hanein and a team of researchers from Tel Aviv University have developed sensors that can identify this behavior.

This sensor will be placed on the subject's face and used to monitor facial muscle movements.

The concept is that some people when they lie down subconsciously activate the muscles in their cheeks and eyebrows.

With the specially developed sensor, the researchers claim that they have a 73% success rate in detecting if someone is lying based on sensor readings alone.

Of course, it's impractical to have electrodes on our faces all the time, which is why researchers are now looking to go one step further by eliminating the use of electrodes and training AI to use algorithms to detect these smooth muscle contractions via camera-resolution recordings.

This means that in the future this technology could be used by the police, at airports, and more simply by analyzing the videos captured by cameras.

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