The end of January 2022 there will be an interesting astronomical phenomenon. What is Black Moon?
There are four different definitions of 'Black Moon'.
Here is the definition of the Black Moon
1. The second phase of the new moon in one month AD
The Black Moon is the second new moon phase in the lunar month. This phenomenon occurs quite often because it takes place periodically with a period of 29 months.
This is because the age of the Gregorian month other than February (30 and 31) is longer than the duration of the synodic cycle of the month (also known as full moon, which is 29.53 days) and the first new moon in the Christian month falls at the beginning of the month, so the second new moon falls. at the end of the Christian month.
2. The third new moon phase in an astronomical season
The Black Moon is the third new moon phase in an astronomical season. This phenomenon occurs every 33 months. This is due to the longer duration of the astronomical seasons (89 and 93 days) compared to the first to fourth new moon intervals (3 x 29.53 = 88.6 days). In addition, the first new moon in the astronomical season falls at the start of the season, so the fourth new moon falls at the end of the season.
3. There is no new moon phase in February
Black Moon is a time when there is no new moon phase in February. This is because, the age of February in a Basit year is 28 days, this is shorter than the duration of the synodic cycle of the month or also called Lunasi, which is 29.53 days.
This phenomenon occurs once every 19 years, according to the methonic cycle when the new moon phase coincides with the same Gregorian date.
4. There is no full moon phase in February
Black Moon is when there is no full moon phase in February. The absence of a full moon in February has the same reason as the notion that there is no new moon phase in February.
The age of February in a Basit year is 28 days and in a Leap year 29 days, this is still shorter than the duration of the synodic cycle of the month or full moon which is 29.53 days. Therefore, this phenomenon occurs once every 19 years, according to the methonic cycle when the phases of the full moon coincide with the same Gregorian date.
Black Moon Phenomenon Time
Interestingly, the Black Moon phenomenon occurs at a different time.
This is because the time zone used is different in each place. In addition, the fall of the new moon phase for each full moon is also different. Thus, there are regions that experience a Triple Black Moon, there are regions that experience a Double Black Moon and there are regions that only experience a Black Moon once.
For the time zone UT-6 (America, Canada, Central Mexico) and to the west, the second new moon phase in 2022 is still entering January, which is January 31 at 23:45:58 CST.
The Black Moon in the first definition only applies to most of the United States, Canada and Mexico, with the exception of the United States and Eastern Canada and Southeastern Mexico.
Meanwhile, the Black Moon phenomenon that meets the third definition will occur on March 2-3, 2022 in the Hawaii-Aleut Tolok region, Baja California.