Doomsday clock does not move, the earth remains 100 seconds to be destroyed


Scientists reset the Doomsday Clock or Doomsday Clock on January 20, 2022. Unfortunately, although 2021 brings a number of hopes and new challenges regarding the fate of our Earth, the results of this year's adjustment are still the same as the previous year.

"Doomsday Clock remains steady at 100 seconds to midnight," said Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists President Rachel Bronson.

The timing is based on the ongoing and dangerous threats posed by nuclear weapons, climate change, disruptive technologies, and COVID-19. All of these factors are exacerbated by the "poor information ecosphere, which undermines rational decision making."

"The Doomsday Clock continues to hover dangerously, reminding us of how much work must be done to ensure a safer and healthier planet. We must continue to push the clock hands away from midnight," he continued as quoted from the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientist website. .

The Apocalypse Clock is a symbolic clock that represents the possible risk of a man-made global catastrophe. This symbol has been maintained since 1947 by members of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (BAS) at the University of Chicago, United States.

BAS itself is an organization that assesses scientific progress and the risks to humans. They created the Apocalypse Clock as a reminder to humanity not to do Earth-shattering damage.

Researchers who are members of the BAS have determined that this year's Doomsday Clock is still the same as in 2020 and 2021, which is 100 seconds to midnight.

The 2022 Doomsday Clock Statement lists the steps that must be taken to address the current threat of Earth's destruction, namely:

The Russian and US presidents must identify more ambitious and comprehensive limits on nuclear weapons and delivery systems by the end of 2022. They must both agree to reduce dependence on nuclear weapons by limiting their roles, missions and platforms, and reducing budgets accordingly.

The United States and other countries must accelerate their decarbonization, aligning policies with commitments. China must set an example by pursuing a path of sustainable development, not fossil fuel-intensive projects, in the One Belt One Road initiative

The US and other leaders should work through WHO and other international agencies to reduce all types of biological risks through better monitoring of animal-human interactions, increased international disease surveillance and reporting, increased production and distribution of medical supplies, and expansion of hospital capacity.

The US must convince its allies and rivals that not using nuclear weapons first is a step towards security and stability and then declare such a policy together with Russia and China.

President Biden should remove the US president's sole authority to launch nuclear weapons and work to persuade other nuclear-armed nations to implement similar barriers.

Russia should rejoin the NATO-Russia Council and collaborate on risk reduction and escalation avoidance measures

North Korea should set up a moratorium on its nuclear and long-range missile tests and help other countries verify moratoriums on uranium enrichment and plutonium production

Iran and the US should jointly return to full compliance with the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action and start new, broader talks on Middle East security, and missile constraints

Private and public investors need to shift funds from fossil fuel projects to climate-friendly investments

The world's rich countries need to provide developing countries with more financial support and technological cooperation to take strong climate action. COVID-19 recovery investments should support climate mitigation and adaptation goals across all sectors of the economy and address a wide range of greenhouse gas emission reduction potentials, including capital investments in urban development, agriculture, transportation, heavy industry, buildings and equipment, and electric power.

National leaders and international organizations must design more effective regimes for monitoring biological research and development efforts

Governments, technology companies, academic experts and media organizations need to work together to identify and implement practical and ethical ways to combat internet-enabled misinformation and disinformation

At every reasonable opportunity, citizens of all countries should hold their local, regional, and national political officials and business and religious leaders accountable by asking, "What are you doing to address climate change?"

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