Explanation of Physics Dolls Drinking Soda Soda Use Straws


Later the phenomenon of spirit dolls or spirits is being talked about. An interesting one, the video of the arwah doll who is 'drinking' soda using a straw. The trick, by giving soda in a plastic bottle pack, then he was given a bolong on the bottle. From the ball, soda began to rise in a straw and water dripped from the straw.

His name is also science, there are always other possibilities that can be solved from things that are not possible for some people.

He explained that soft drinks or carbonated drinks had high pressure (higher than mineral water), which contained carbon dioxide (CO2). In low temperature conditions, H2O molecular vibration activities tend to be weak so that H2O bonds are stronger which causes CO2 to be more difficult to break away. Conversely, under normal conditions (room temperature), higher H2O molecular vibration activities and CO2 are easier to evaporate into the air.

Rina confirmed the phenomenon that occurred in the case of the Spirit Doll, occurred in normal conditions. Plus the pressure in a carbonated drink is high.

"CO2 in a bottle of soda tries to get out of the bottle towards the air, causing pressure from the bottle that causes soda water to be pushed out through a straw, towards the balance," he said.

"If the soft drinks are opened for a long time until the carbon disappears, in other words Soda is no longer high pressure, the similar incident might not happen," he said.

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