Researchers Develop Complete Device For Diabetics

 For people with diabetes, they must be very careful about the food they eat. In fact, they have to measure their carbohydrate content, glucose levels and many others.

After calculating the levels to be consumed, they must also determine the right insulin dose so that sugar levels remain stable. For that there are special tools to measure everything, although this will be a hassle especially if you are going to eat out of the house because you have to bring several devices.

But researchers at MIT created a new innovation by developing a device that would act as a complete solution. Currently, researchers have developed two models.

One uses available technology that combines a blood drawing lancet and glucose testing strip and insulin needle into a single device.

First take the user's blood and test it in strips, the data is then calculated to determine the dose and then insulin is injected into the user.

The second device is slimmer and involves a single needle with a glucose sensor, so that when the user injects himself, it measures glucose levels before releasing insulin into the user's blood.

There will also be a companion smartphone app that users use to take photos of their food to determine volume and carbohydrate content using the phone's depth-sensing and deep learning camera.

The idea behind this device is to streamline the entire process, making it easier for diabetics to stay on top of things so that they will be motivated to continue their treatment as reported by us from Ubergizmo, Monday (24/1/2022).

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