Even though you are not a psychologist, you also need to know 10 personality disorders that are divided into 3 clusters!

 There are many ins and outs that we can know from a person's personality, even if you are not a psychologist, it never hurts to know this. Because, as a social being, you will meet many people in your life with different personalities.

Maybe you will also find someone with a personality disorder in him. If you ignore this, it could be that you too will find it difficult to face and attack yourself.

According to Psychology Today, personality disorders may reflect a combination of potentially disruptive personality traits, such as unfriendly or high narcissism, that make a person difficult to get along with or make the person treat others badly.

In the field, personality disorders are usually defined by a series of signs and symptoms that reflect the dangers or difficulties that stem from a person's way of life. Quoted from the same source, there are at least 10 personality disorders, which are grouped into three clusters. Anything?

Cluster A

Odd or eccentric thinking patterns are a hallmark of Cluster A personality disorder. Such as persistent suspicion or disinterest in other people.

Some people with Cluster A personality disorder also have odd beliefs, which are compatible with psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia. There are three types of cluster A personality disorders, namely paranoid, schizoid, and schizotypal.

Cluster B

While Cluster A personality disorder is characterized by eccentric thought patterns, Cluster B personality disorder is characterized by unstable emotional states and erratic behavior.

They tend to attack or try to manipulate others. This is also done along with other behaviors, so it can cause major disturbances in interpersonal relationships. Antisocial, borderline, histrionic, and narcissistic, are the four personality disorders that fall into this cluster.

Cluster C

Cluster C personality disorder involves a person's way of thinking in relation to other people and is characterized by anxiety and fear. Out of no where, this anxiety is ingrained.

OCD or Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder is a personality disorder that is quite well known in this cluster, followed by avoidant personality disorder and dependent personality disorder.

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