Note! These 5 things that often make you successful make you unproductive, one of which is the habit of saying yes to everything


You must be familiar with the term 'productive'. Yes, the term productive has a positive meaning because basically being productive can make the day and the activities you do more meaningful. Quoted from Verizon, being productive is one of the keys to success. When you are productive you will use your time and resources wisely and measure success more precisely.

In addition, productive people can also create more tangible results because they will focus on the things that are important. But it is undeniable, in everyday life you often find sources or things that can make you unproductive.

Therefore, this resource should be minimized or even eliminated so that you can be productive. So what are the sources in question? Read more below.

Saying 'Yes' to Everything

The first source that can make you unproductive is saying 'yes' to everything. Why is that? Because when you find it difficult to refuse something and always say 'yes' it means you have lost control and filter about the things you should be able to refuse.

Remember, you have the right to filter the things you want to accept or agree with and the things you should reject. If you keep forcing to say 'yes' to everything, then it is not impossible that it will make you depressed and even unproductive.


This term is certainly familiar to you to hear. Multitasking is an activity where you perform several tasks simultaneously. Usually this is done for some reason. For example, because they think that if the task is done simultaneously it will be completed faster.

But in fact this is not recommended. Choosing multitasking often makes you unfocused and results in lower work results. Quoted from the Entrepreneur page, there are at least three reasons that make you unproductive. First, multitasking will increase stress, multitasking weakens memory and multitasking can kill your creativity.

It seems that this is also supported by studies. Quoted from Forbes, research conducted at Stanford University, USA, found that multitasking can make you less productive than doing one thing at a time. The researchers also found that people who were regularly bombarded with multiple streams of electronic information were unable to pay attention, remember information or switch from job to job and complete tasks at one time.

Worry Too Much

Isn't anything in excess bad? Yes, all need to be adjusted so as not to overdo it. Worry is a natural thing, but if it has entered the realm of excess, it is not impossible that this worry will turn into stress. If it has turned into stress then you can no longer work optimally.

Your mind will be filled with disturbing things. This will be the source of you being unproductive. Therefore, it is necessary to control the mind so as not to worry too much. You need to find a mindset and cultivate positive affirmations.

Want Everything Perfect

This one source will certainly be very potential to be felt by people who are perfectionists. Completing tasks with the best quality without any flaws is certainly everyone's hope. But besides that, if you wait for perfection to come and linger in a job, it can make you unproductive.

Therefore you still need to apply the mindset that nothing is perfect in this world. Your job is to try something to the maximum and appreciate every hard work you do. So even if the quality still doesn't feel perfect, at least you've managed to finish it.


This term is often called procrastinating or procrastinating. There are usually many reasons why this delay occurs. Starting from waiting for the right time or other reasons such as still not ready with everything. But you need to remember that sometimes there is no need to wait too ready to start something.

Often if you wait too long to be ready, you end up being unproductive because you've spent too long thinking about how to get started. In essence, you need to instill the phrase 'just start first' as an affirmation to be able to enter the realm of the task you want to complete. When you have entered into the task, that's where you can feel the process and maximize everything.

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