This is Mak Rara's payment, the Mandalika Rain Handler in the 2022 MotoGP which suddenly went viral!


The 2022 MotoGP has just been held at the Mandalika Circuit, Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara on Sunday (20/3). One of the highlights during the performance was the figure of Mak Rara who was the rain handler at the event.

Mak Rara suddenly went viral for his action which fell directly during heavy rain in the middle of the Mandalika Circuit. In the portrait that was widely spread on social media, during the heavy rain he brought a golden bowl and other equipment to try to calm the rain at the Mandalika Circuit, so that the event could take place immediately.

Papuan natives and Javanese adherents

The owner's full name, Raden Roro Istiati Wulandari, was born in Papua, October 22, 1983. Although he is of Papuan blood, it turns out that Mak Rara is a Javanese adherent of Kejawen who now lives in Bali.

It is known, he has studied the science of being a rain handler since he was a child, namely since the age of nine. His name was not a new figure in various major state events.

Mak Rara is a figure recommended as a rain handler by the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir. Previously, he was a rain handler in big events, such as mass vaccinations, President Jokowi's campaign, to the opening ceremony of the 2018 Asian Games in Jakarta-Palembang.

Not kidding, it turns out that Rara gets a pretty big fee as a rain handler in Mandalika. Reportedly, he got a total payment of 3 digits or hundreds of millions of rupiah, you know!

While serving as Mandalika's rain handler, orders can come to him once an hour by telephone. Not without reason, in his action to relieve this rain, he also has a number of special rituals.

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