This is the reason Facebook is dominated by the color blue


Blue is the color that dominates Facebook, and this color is also used in the Meta logo - the parent of Facebook - which resembles the letter M. There is a reason why this color was chosen.

The choice of blue is not without reason, because Mark Zuckerberg was red-green blind. This means, blue is the color most easily recognizable by Zuck.

"Blue is the richest color for me. I can see all the colors of blue," Zuckerberg said, as quoted by us in The New Yorker.

Red-green color blindness, or Deuteranomalia, is a medical condition that is mostly genetic and most likely inherited from the mother. There are about 6-8% of men on Earth who have red-green color blindness.

The cause of this red-green color blindness is the absence of working green cone cells. So that sufferers tend to see green as creamy and red as brownish yellow.

But as it turns out, this does not determine one's success. Mark Zuckerberg has proven it. Many other successful figures who suffer from red-green color blindness are former United States presidents Bill Clinton and Christopher Nolan, who are also box office movie stars such as Batman.

The color blind condition was first triggered by John Dalton. He described his own color blindness in 1794. Similar to his brother, he failed to distinguish the colors scarlet (dark red) with green and pink with blue.

Subsequently, DNA from Dalton's eye was analyzed in 1994 and as a result he most likely had a protan -type color vision deficiency.

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