Don't be wrong, this is the term in the PUBG Mobile game and its meaning

 Being one of the popular mobile games, it is undeniable that PUBG Mobile must have many foreign terms in it. Usually this is present, to make it easier for gamers when communicating.

One of the things that fans often mention is Winner Winner Chicken Dinner (WWCD). Where it means, as a sign that a player has managed to survive until the end of the game and win it.

That's just one of them and there are still a variety of unique words that are commonly used when competing. Well, here are the terms in the PUBG Mobile game and their meanings, as compiled by us from various sources, including trying them out yourself.

Glossary of Terms in PUBG Mobile

Knock Down: a position where a player knocks out another player, but is not dead. So there is still a chance to play again after being healed.

Revive: The activity of healing a teammate, who has been knocked out by the opponent.

Looting: The process of collecting various items in battle, such as weapons, bags, helmets, body armor, blood supplies and so on.

Prone: A technique the player uses to camouflage with the ground or grass, by lying face down.

Retreat: A teammate's direction to retreat.

Rush: Strategy to force the opponent to attack.

Air Drop: Help from the developer, contains items that are useful for battle.

Clutch: The moment where a player wins the battle and knocks out two to three people.

Flanking: Strategy to attack the opponent by relying on the surrounding area. Usually from the right and left.

Forting: The strategy of making armor, utilizing vehicles such as cars and motorcycles.

Safe zone: It is a safe area for players to explore.

Red zone: A dangerous place, because the area will be bombarded with bombs.

Blue zone: The area outside the safe zone, where if the player is in it, the blood will automatically decrease.

Sandwich: A condition in which a player/team is in an unfavorable moment. Because of his position among the opponents.

Compound: This is another name for buildings and houses.

Boosting: Efforts to increase endurance data, using items in the form of energy drinks, adrenaline syringes and painkillers.

Heal: The activity of restoring one's own blood.

Lower ground: Location to avoid battle, in order to survive.

High Ground: The position of the player who fills the location is higher than the opponent. So it has free space to monitor.

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