There's Another World Under The Ground, Inscription Findings Are Proof


Deep beneath the surface of the ground we tread, there seems to be another world. Archaeologists found a number of carvings on the walls made by humans thousands of years ago as evidence.

Archaeological excavations at the Yazılıkaya Rock Temple in Central Turkey, date back about 200 years. This is done with the mission of uncovering ancient calendars and maps of the cosmos that present interesting evidence contained in them.

In the process of excavation, archaeologists found a carving in the rock that formed a painting. The work was probably made 3,200 years ago.

Interestingly, as quoted from National Geographic, the sculpture includes details of the "underworld" that lies beneath the Earth. Sculptures of this kind have never been found before by archaeologists in Egypt, nor in the Mesopotamian region.

Charles Texier, French archaeologist and historian, carried out excavations in early 1834 in a temple. During the excavation, Texier found various kinds of carvings on limestone. The carvings depict more than 90 different figures, including animals, monsters, and gods.

The stone carving reliefs found symbolize the universe consisting of the underworld, Earth, and sky. The image also depicts the repeated cycles of the seasons, the phases of the moon, and day and night.

"We believe that the temple fully represents a symbolic image of the universe. Including the static levels of Earth, the sky and the underworld. As well as the cyclical processes of renewal, day and night, or summer and winter," explained a researcher in an interview in an article. published in the Journal of Skyscape Archeology.

It took almost 200 years to get an explanation from the paintings. Researchers have determined that representations of the cosmos that include Earth, the sky and the "underworld", suggest various creation mythologies.

On one wall, there is an image of the sun goddess and the storm goddess. Archaeologists found that the gods were placed in the paintings higher than other images.

The supreme god located north of the temple was the center, and the other gods lined up following him. Then on the east and west walls of the temple, there are reliefs of moon phases and seasons, which according to researchers, signify cycles and rebirth.

Experts estimate that at that time, there were about 17 gods. Between one deity and another, there is a sign in the form of a line. In addition, a painting dedicated to the underworld of Earth was also found, with a mark belonging to the god of the sword.

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