You Experience Increased Sex Arousal Before Menstruation, Normal or Not?

 Do you notice the difference in sex drive that increases before your period? Maybe this makes you wonder if this is normal or not, or you want to tell your husband but are embarrassed.

From now on, don't be shy anymore, you. Because sex drive increases before menstruation and during menstruation it is normal.

Reporting from Healthline, a number of studies have found that sex drive increases before menstruation occurs before the time of ovulation, about two weeks before menstruation begins.

What exactly causes increased sex drive before menstruation? Check out the following reviews, come on.

Reasons for increased sex drive before menstruation

1. Hormone factors

The real answer is uncertain. But some theories say that hormones play a big role in this. Estrogen and testosterone levels increase during ovulation, potentially triggering an increase in libido.

Having sex in the days before your period also reduces the risk of getting pregnant. Knowing this, made many people more aroused.

2. Vaginal discharge

Not to mention if you experience vaginal discharge before menstruation which can increase your body's sensitivity to the touch. During the menstrual cycle, it is normal to see vaginal discharge.

An increase in the amount of fluid can result in more lubrication, allowing the genital area to feel more sensitive. For some people, it can cause feelings of arousal so that sex drive increases before their period.

3. Sex can relieve PMS symptoms

When you experience PMS you may think making love can help relieve the symptoms so that your sex drive increases. PMS generally begins between 5 to 11 days before menstruation.

Having an orgasm during sex is known to relieve PMS pain symptoms because it releases mood-boosting endorphins. Thinking about it makes your sex drive increase before your period.

Can making love make menstruation come faster?

Have you ever had your period right after making love to your husband? Apparently sexual activity can make menstruation come faster.

However, this is only possible if you will have your period in a day or two. It is thought that the hormone found in the husband's semen can soften the cervix which in turn encourages menstruation so that you are free from the pain of PMS.

Another theory suggests that vaginal contractions during sex can relax the surrounding muscles. Then the lining of the uterus begins to shed and becomes menstruation.

When your sex drive increases before your period, you can complete your lust with your husband before your period arrives. Here are tips for having sex before your period to be more comfortable and get rid of the worries of bleeding during sex.


It is important to communicate with your husband before making love. Talk about your concerns before having sex. Don't be afraid to ask for a change of pace, position or stop if needed.

Not wearing a menstrual cup during sex

Maybe you are worried that your period will come out during sex before your period, so use a cup in addition. Avoid this because you are worried that if it is pushed in then you need a visit to the doctor.

Give a pedestal on the bed

If there are concerns about menstruation during sex, then provide a base on the bed. Use a dark colored towel over the sheets. Or maybe do it in the bathroom to make it easier to clean.

Use a condom

This is the best option to prevent leakage during sex before your period. Condoms not only prevent leakage but also facilitate penetration and reduce vaginal pain.

Do you ever or often feel your sex drive increases before your period?

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