10 Countries with the Most Online Fraud in the World


Scams or online fraud often occur, especially in today's modern era which is filled with advanced technological capabilities through the internet. Nigeria and India, for example, are countries that have the highest spam and scam rates in the world.

However, India and Nigeria are not alone. There are other countries that are also known to have the highest number of scammers in the world and target various markets. Is Indonesia included in the list?

Launching Analytics Insight, here are the 10 countries with the highest number of scammers in the world:

1. Nigeria

2. India

3. China

4. Brazil

5. Pakistan

6. Indonesia

7. Venezuela

8. South Africa

9. Philippines

10. Romania.

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Meanwhile, the countries most vulnerable to online fraud attacks also have their own data. According to a report from 'The Gen-Z Fraud Report: A Global Outlook' survey 2020, here is the list of countries:

1. United States of America

America was ranked first with 465,177 victims.

2. English

In 2nd place was the UK with a total of 216,633 victims, half of the number of victims in the United States.

3. Canada

There are 5,399 victims who are victims of online fraud.

"While the UK has less than half the number of victims in the US, it has a population of about 20% of the US, suggesting that the UK has a much larger internet fraud problem for its relative size," the report said.

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