The richness of culture and tourism is an opportunity to be introduced to the world through the internet. In addition to being a tourism promotion venue, cultural content and tourist attractions can be a new knowledge material for internet users around the world.
Today in European countries, as many as 90% of job types already require workers to have digital competencies. Therefore, according to him, netizens in the country must also be able to increase their digital capacity, both by studying independently and diligently attending seminars and trainings.
Thousands of jobs are also created with the development of the digital world, such as marketing specialists, traffic managers, and copywriters. That work is what the company needs. But in addition to professions, there are also many types of businesses that are developing in today's digital world.
Regarding culture in the digital world, the country is actually rich in cultural diversity, but if its management in the world of the internet and social media is not good, it can harm the whole society.
Therefore, all citizens must be able to make values both as a foundation and a guide for character and activity in the digital world. According to him, the development of digitalization technology should also be used by citizens to promote tourist destinations, namely through the recognition of culture and natural resources.
The development of tourism today emphasizes how we can explore the potential and local wisdom in the area visited, or the charm of existing natural beauty. So that internet users in other nations can also enjoy and learn about the existing local culture and wisdom.
In creating content and evaluating the work of others, netizens need to understand the importance of digital ethics. For example, give good comments and suggestions, build feedback that inspires each other, do not copy the work of others, ask permission if you want to use the work of other citizens, and do not be a connoisseur of pirated work.
The problem that often arises and is complained about by content creators is how he is often underappreciated by netizens for his work, such as in the presence of plagiarism and piracy. Maybe since childhood he has been accustomed to cheating, the habit of cheating when in school should be buried deep because the potential he has will be difficult to explore.
With the presence of the National Digital Literacy Movement program is expected to encourage people to use the internet intelligently, positively, creatively, and productively. This activity is specifically aimed at communities that not only aim to create a Smart Community, but also help prepare for superior human resources in using the internet positively, critically, and creatively in the era of industry 4.0.