Noah's Ark Rebuilt to Save Humans from the Apocalypse


A giant ship is being built and some call it the incarnation of Noah's ark. So called because this ship will be used by scientists to find solutions to climate change that can threaten Planet Earth towards end-time destruction.

The ship is named Earth 300. It is designed to accommodate up to 160 scientists from around the world. They were gathered to conduct joint research or collaboration with the support of advanced technology on the ship.

"We love life and want to ensure that humanity survives in the future," reads one sentence on its website.

The creator is an entrepreneur named Aaron Oliviera. He hopes Earth 300 can attract public attention to science and especially about climate change.

"This ship is designed to capture people's attention as well as their hearts and imaginations. If we want to make big changes, we need the help of people of all ages, ages, backgrounds and all kinds of intelligence," he said.

Earth 300 is an emission-free nuclear powered ship and has 22 state-of-the-art laboratories. It is almost 500 meters long and consists of 13 levels. The design is very futuristic with a round building in the middle.

Quoted from the BBC, Tuesday (19/7/2022) there are built-in sensors, artificial intelligence, robotics, machine learning to direct data processing. Earth 300 is also equipped with a quantum computer to handle the massive data it collects. Oliviera calls it a running computer.

Of course with all that sophistication, the cost of manufacture is not cheap. It is estimated that he will cost between 350 and 500 million pounds.

Later in addition to scientists who research climate change, this ship can also be boarded by VIP guests at a high cost. For example, for a VIP trip for 10 days, the cost is USD 3 million. If nothing goes wrong, the plan is that Earth 300 will start sailing in 2025.

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