These 6 Countries Have Unique Traditions of Welcoming the Birth of a Baby


Each country must have a variety of unique traditions to welcome the birth of a baby. This unique birth tradition is not only a way to celebrate the birth of a baby, but also a way for families to strengthen ties to their culture.

Curious as to what the unique birth traditions in various countries are? Launching The Bump, here are 6 countries with unique birth traditions, let's take a look!

Unique Birth Traditions in Turkey

To celebrate the birth of a baby and promote breastfeeding, mothers in Turkey are required to consume a traditional drink called lohusa serbeti or postnatal napkin. This drink is made from a mixture of water, sugar, cloves, cinnamon, and red food coloring, then first given to new mothers at the hospital.

After 20 days postpartum, the mother and baby will visit the home of the gift giver. Where they will receive a handkerchief containing candy and eggs. Candy has a meaning for a kind baby, while eggs have a meaning for a healthy baby. The host will also apply flour to the eyebrows and hairline of the baby as a symbol of longevity.

Unique Birth Traditions in Indonesia

Consisting of various tribes and cultures, Indonesia has unique birth traditions according to their respective cultures. However, a unique birth tradition that is often carried out when welcoming a baby is to bury the placenta. Indonesian people believe that the placenta is like the twins of a newborn baby.

The process, the placenta will be cleaned, put in a closed container, wrapped in a white cloth, and then buried outside the house. Indonesian people also believe that the placenta functions as a baby protector.

Unique Birth Traditions in Japan

After giving birth, a new mother will usually stay at her parents' house for a month and rest in bed for 21 days to recuperate and bond with her baby. During this period, friends will visit and eat a celebratory brown rice and red bean dish called osekihan.

Unique Birth Traditions in Guyana

In this South American country, mothers will mark their calendar on the ninth day after giving birth. On this ninth day, they will celebrate the arrival of the little one with family and friends who bring sweets and gifts, including money and gold bracelets for the baby.

On the ninth day, mothers also take a bath for the first time after giving birth. Mothers will also burn the placenta to symbolize the physical separation of mother and child.

Unique Birth Traditions in Nigeria

Newborn babies in this country will get many blessings, baby girls will get it on the seventh day, while baby boys will get it on the ninth day. In addition, the baby's first bath must be done by the little one's grandmother or aunt. This first bath symbolizes that the mother is not alone in raising her child and society will always be there to help her.

Unique Birth Traditions in Latin America

New mothers will undergo la cuarentena or quarantine for 40 days to recuperate after giving birth. During this period, mothers are prohibited from having sex, physical activity, and not eating spicy food. In addition, new mothers also have to wrap their stomachs with a cloth belt or sash called a faja.

That's a variety of unique birth traditions from various countries. What do you think about the birth traditions in your area?

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