To maintain its dominance in the market, Neftlix invested into several video game development companies and also launched Netflix Games. Their attempt hasn't really been successful yet with only around 1% of customers taking advantage of Netflix Games.
But they may have big plans for their video game platform with the Game Handle feature being tested. This feature was discovered by Steve Moser, an early developer.
With the Game Handle feature, Netflix customers can choose a different name to use when playing online. It is customary for video game fans not to use their real names when fighting. In addition to using a different name from the name used on the Netflix account, it also activates the Leaderboard feature to allow them to see their status among other users and friends.
This feature is still being tested and has not been rolled out to everyone. Will the introduction of more competitive modes and a new name change the fortunes of Netflix which has just overtaken Disney+ as the world's number one streaming platform.