FCC Proposes 5-Year Time Limit to Dispose of Inactive Satellites


The world space industry is seen to increase rapidly in these few years, with the expectation that as many as 18 storms of active satellites will orbit the earth by 2025.

The Federal Communications Commission, the telecommunications regulatory body in the United States, has recommended that satellites that no longer orbit the earth be disposed of or de-orbited from the Low Earth Orbit area into space within five years after being inactive compared to 25 years before. this.

The FCC seems to want to establish this law because it expects that more satellites will be launched into low earth orbit in the next few years, and it will cause the space around the earth to decrease, and this will cause the probability that the satellites space satellites collide with each other.

Through the proposed bill, satellites that are no longer operational should be de-orbited within five years, with exceptions for some projects by NASA depending on the need for these satellites to be in their orbit.

If approved, companies that have already obtained approval to launch their satellites can make modifications to ensure that these satellites can be disposed of on time.

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