CelcomDigi Now Offers 5G Roaming Passes In 38 Countries

 CelcomDigi is now announcing the offering of 5G roaming passes for Celcom and Digi customers, to more than 38 countries.

Under this roaming pass offer, Celcom customers can subscribe to a 30-day unlimited pass at the price of RM98 – and use it in 57 countries, with 5G support in 38 countries.

As for Digi, they can enjoy a 30-day pass that comes with 30GB of data at a price of RM95, and can be used in 69 countries, with 5G support in 38 countries.

In addition to long-term passes, Celcom and Digi also offer short-term passes.

Celcom offers an unlimited 7-day pass at a price of RM58, while Digi offers a 2GB pass with 30 minutes of calls for use for 3 days, at a price of RM25.

For those of you who use the Celcom and Digi networks, you can check this roaming pass offer through the respective Celcom Life and MyDigi applications.

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