Thor's Well or Thor's Well is one of the natural wonders of the ocean that is confusing. It looked like a bottomless sinkhole that looked as if it was draining its ocean of water.
In fact, the Well of Thor is the remains of a sea cave, which was 'carved out' by water and had a collapsed ceiling. Found in the Cape Perpetua Scenic Area along the coast of Oregon, United States, Thor's Well looks very different depending on the time of day or more precisely the tides.
Quoted from IFL Science, during high tide, the water covers Thor's Well for a moment before it is seen flowing through it. That is why this area is also known as the Pacific drainpipe.
During storms or choppy waters, the contents of the Well of Thor foam and may spurt out. This is arguably the best time to photograph the Well of Thor as well as the most dangerous as anyone who gets too close risks being sucked into it.
So far, there has never been any report of Thor's Well claiming any lives. However there were several people who were injured because the strong currents and strong waves that surrounded the hole threw them onto the rocks.
Explosion from inside the well can reach a height of up to 6 meters. At low tide, Thor's Well is less scary as the water flowing under the bowl looks peacefully bubbling.
The name is Thor's Well, taken from a figure in Norse Mythology. Thor, who is known to be armed with a hammer, is used to explain this strange natural phenomenon. It is said that Thor drilled a hole in the Oregon coastline with his hammer.
It is undeniable that this kind of mythical explanation is indeed more interesting than explaining scientifically that this area is a collapsed sea cave.
Made of the same basalt that lines the Oregon coastline, Thor's Well is estimated to be 6 meters deep and at its best burst level about an hour before high tide, as it begins to fill with sizzling seawater.
Thor's well is still relatively safe for visitors. But the National Weather Service recommends safety precautions such as observing the ocean for 20 minutes after arriving at a location to study patterns first.
Despite the risks, Thor's Well remains a special attraction for travelers and photographers who want to witness this mesmerizing natural wonder filling and spouting water.