The night of Nisfu Syaban just passed last night. However, his memories are unforgettable for netizens.
For Muslims around the world, Nisfu Syaban night is indeed very special. Exactly in the middle of the month of Sha'ban in the glow of the full moon, many worships can be done with special rewards.
There were those who prayed Nisfu Shaban, there were those who read Yasin's letter three times on the night of Nisfu Shaban, there were those who read the prayers of Nisfu Shaban and others. No wonder when the day has changed, many netizens can't move on.
We monitor, Wednesday (8/3/2023) Nisfu Sya'ban is still a trending topic on Twitter with 22,100 tweets. Many netizens share their experiences of having a special Nisfu Syaban night.
Not only Indonesian netizens, you know, Malaysian netizens also share similar experiences. It seems that allied countries did experience a special moment last night.
Starting from well-known figures, to ordinary citizens welcoming and remembering the night of Nisfu Syaban that just passed. Here are their tweets on Twitter:
"Interesting thread about the Nisfu Sya'ban tradition. This is not only a Muslim tradition in Indonesia, but there are in many other Muslim countries," said the figure Ulil Abshar-Abdalla on his account @ulil sharing interesting threads about Nisfu Syaban.
"The Nisfu Sha'ban night is a special night. On this night Muslims are advised to strengthen their spiritual fortifications by reciting and praying to Allah SWT, in addition to holding circumcision prayers, praying and giving alms," said the Malaysian PM on his account @ anwaribrahim.
"Night of nisfu Sya'ban in a special place," said @icimdis *** remembering last night's moment.
"A sunny afternoon... Happy fasting nisfu sya'ban for those who run it," said @maylafai ***.
"Night of Nisfu Sya'ban. Masya Allah, the moon is beautiful," said @KhuzaimahIb *** sharing a photo of last night's full moon.
"In Nisfu Sya'ban, the charity record is lifted to the sky, as a work report for one year. Hopefully the good things will be seen, and the bad ones will be erased," prayed @asus_***.