The Government Will Announce Details Of The Unity Package For Broadband Internet On 29 March

 Recently, the government has announced a telecommunications plan Pajej Perpaduan which for RM30, users receive a 30GB quota and 3MBps speed for six months offered until the end of this year.

Today, during the WSIS 2023 trophy acceptance press conference in Parliament, the Minister of Communications and Multimedia, Fahmi Fadzil has confirmed that the offer of the Unity Package for broadband internet connection will also be announced later.

He did not announce any details about the plan, except for what has already been announced recently, including 30Mbps speed for RM69 per month, and confirmed that his ministry will make further announcements about it at an official event to be held on March 29.

Existing broadband internet provider companies such as TM, Time and others are expected to introduce details of their own broadband internet Unity Package plans soon.

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