The design of Samsung's smartwatch has changed several times since the first model was launched a decade ago. Last year in the Watch5 series, all models were not offered with rotating bezels. This year it is confirmed to return after the Samsung Galaxy Watch6 Classic tetris mockup image to the web arena via OnLeaks.
The Samsung Galaxy Watch6 Classic is one of two Watch6 watches that will launch around the end of July. Clear and visible rotating bezel for navigation with serrations above the circular screen. Other elements of the watch such as the body and strap are not much different from the Watch5 Pro.
The watch strap for example is of the type with a magnetic bracket instead of a hole in the watch strap made of silicone material. The two navigation buttons on the right side and the heart rate sensor at the bottom also still look the same.
This year it will come with several new features along with Wear OS 4 such as better backups, can be tethered to other phones without having to reset and more comprehensive application integration.