PLUS Introduces “Chatbot” Via WhatsApp Application – Offering Information Access And Emergency Assistance

 PLUS is now present with a special chatbot through the WhatsApp application, called PUTRI (PLUS Texting Realtime Interface). Through it, PLUS highway users can get various information related to the highway, including emergency assistance.

To use it, users need to send a WhatsApp message to 019 356 9802, and it will provide a number of options for you to interact with. This PUTRI supports Malaysian as well as English.

PUTRI chatbot support has been introduced since September 2020, and now finally it is also offered through WhatsApp - making it even easier for people to achieve it.

For those of you who often use the PLUS highway, you can add PUTRI to your WhatsApp contact list, and get help or information when needed.

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