Proton Considers To Explore The Development Of Hydrogen Powered Cars


Proton has now shared that they are considering and exploring the development of cars powered by hydrogen energy. Regardless, it is still subject to a number of things, including technological constraints, demand, investment and so on.

However, Proton is now seen to be focusing more on the electric vehicle market first. Previously, it was said that Proton's electric car might be available as early as 2025 - in line with the government's plans to increase electric cars in the market.

Today, using petrol as a car fuel is very convenient for consumers – and refilling can be done quickly. However, it leads to some additional questions including the carbon emission rate and whether it is environmentally friendly or otherwise.

However, for the use of electric cars the challenge is the longer charging time – as well as requiring additional planning for long trips using it.

The use of hydrogen energy may be able to solve the problem. With this new development, let's all look forward to further developments related to Proton's exploration in the use of new energy to power vehicles in the future.

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