Hideo Kojima Announces PHYSINT – A New Metal Gear-Like Game

 At the PlayStation State of Play event, Hideo Kojima announced he was developing a new game with the working title PHYSINT. According to him it is a game in the genre of spy action similar to the Metal Gear series. But at the same time PHYSINT will incorporate interactive film elements and involve leading film actors.

This is a game under the management of Kojima Production and PlayStation Studios which means that it will be exclusive to the Sony PlayStation 5 console only. A few months ago the OD game was also announced by him but it was exclusive to the Microsoft Xbox console only.

This morning's announcement is sure to please fans of Kojima who have been wanting to see him return to offering an MGS-like genre game after he left Konami in 2015. No concept images or early trailers have been shared for PHYSINT at this point.

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