Khairulaming Targets Fastest RM1 Million Sales Through TikTok Shop Malaysia On 2.2

Khairulaming is a familiar name to many users in Malaysia, where he is famous for sharing a number of cooking recipe videos, as well as being an inspiration to many young people. In addition to being a content creator, Khairulaming also has a business selling food products. The first Sambal Nyet Berapi product has been available for sale for three years, and now the second product will be officially sold on February 2, which is Dendeng Nyet Berapi.

Khairulaming will launch the sale of this second product exclusively through TikTok Shop, where it will be sold at a price of RM14.99 each, and a total of 80,000 units will be sold in this 2.2 introductory sale.

Khairulaming stated that this time, they will try to aim to be the first local product to reach the fastest RM1 million sales on TikTok Shop Malaysia.

Previously, various products sold by Khairulaming sold quickly, and it is not impossible that the record will be successfully held by him at 2.2 sales in the future. Khairulaming also stated that now almost 60% of the sales generated by are from TikTok Shop, and the remaining 40% are from other platforms.

For those of you who are interested, you can get the Fiery Nyet jerky via TikTok Shop, at 9pm, 2 February 2024.

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