Apple Acquires DarwinAI To Improve AI Capabilities

Apple has reportedly acquired artificial intelligence firm DarwinAI. This company is involved in the production of technology to inspect components during the manufacturing process and produce AI systems that are more efficient and small in size.

Immediately after DarwinAI was taken over, the company's website and all social media accounts were deactivated. Staff have moved to Apple while researcher Alexander Wong joined Apple's AI division as a director. This acquisition is seen as Apple's effort to speed up the integration process of AI capabilities in iOS 18 which will be announced this year.

Tim Cook previously said iOS 18 will bring the biggest changes to the operating system aided by some AI features. This year we can already see how the use of AI systems on Android devices can provide an amazing experience. All the major manufacturers of Android devices have already integrated AI on devices that have been considered fiction.

Although Apple managed to become the world's largest smartphone manufacturer last year, the absence of an AI system so far can be seen as a drawback. This isn't helped by Siri whose capabilities are lagging behind Google Gemini every year. What are the AI features like? which will be introduced in iOS 18? We only have to wait for the WWDC event in a few months.

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