These are the First Short Films Produced Using OpenAI Sora

Last year, Hollywood went on strike because most studios were unfair to extra actors and wanted to replace actors with AI. Now AI is seen to be acceptable to the public until a film studio managed to produce a short film with OpenAI Sora.

Shy Kids is the studio that has produced this short film, it is called air head. This film tells how complicated the life of an individual who has a yellow balloon as a head. Shy Kids is a film and music studio from Canada responsible for the opening animation of the Blackberry movie.

A few days ago we reported that OpenAI demonstrated Sora's capabilities to Hollywood studios. In addition to Shy Kids, OpenAI shared that short film director Paul Trillo has also experimented with many AI tools, and many other creatives have started using Sora's service to produce a unique video.

Although generative AI technology has many issues such as copyright infringement, many artists are beginning to appreciate this technology as a tool that can help simplify the work process or even to get inspiration. Qalbox which is an Islamic video streaming service has also come up with a TV series generated entirely with AI about the story of Prophet Muhammad SAW. What do you think about the future of entertainment being completely computer generated?

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