Out In A Moment Taking Over The First Podsiar, Jugador TV – Plans To Continue Expanding The Podsiar And Media Empire

Keluar Sekejap is one of the popular podcasts in Malaysia, discussing various matters involving current affairs, political developments, policies, policies, and so on. Keluar Sekejap is led by two lawyers, namely Khairy Jamaluddin and Shahril Hamdan.

In addition to the main podcast, Keluar Sekejap, the company has also introduced a second podcast brand under them, which is Kindred Stories. Podsiar Kindred Stories focuses more on spiritual matters and Muslim lifestyle, and is still led by the same two hosts.

Interestingly, today, Keluar Sekejap announced the takeover of the first external podcast, namely Jugador TV. This takeover also makes it the first podcast without the two lawyers in question. Jugador TV focuses on discussions involving sports affairs, especially football - and is led by three presenters.

The Quick Exit team will also help Jugador TV in various aspects, and aims for the channel to reach around 100,000 subscribers by the end of 2024.

Parallel to this, Khairy Jamaluddin shares the target of Keluar Sekejap in becoming one of the main media players, in addition to being an alternative to other media in the market today. A number of other podcast takeover announcements are also expected to follow in the coming months – creating a more widely-covered Out-of-the-Seat empire.

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