Microsoft Build: AI Day is Seen to Boost the AI Technology Development Industry in Malaysia

Microsoft Malaysia held the Microsoft Build: AI Day event today in Kuala Lumpur to boost the local artificial intelligence technology development sector. Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft attended this event, with his keynote speech showing many interesting features developed by Microsoft for local and regional markets.

The AI Day event was held at the Connexion Convention Center in Bangsar South, and was attended by hundreds of local technology developers to find out what he and his colleagues at Microsoft wanted to convey to improve the rate and quality of AI technology development in Malaysia.

At this day-long event, Microsoft Malaysia showcased a demonstration of Microsoft's artificial intelligence technology using Microsoft Azure, as well as a demonstration of GitHub, which is an open source code repository, and allows the public to download and provide feedback on programs and source code hosted on the platform.

Satya Nadella said that so far, there are as many as 600 thousand application developers in Malaysia alone who use GitHub, and one of the latest updates of GitHub Copilot introduced is that the platform understands prom input in Bahasa Malaysia, which programmers can use our national language to request Copilot write basic code quickly and easily.

In Malaysia, companies and platforms that use Microsoft Copilot's AI services include Agroz, Doctor2U, Pandai, Prudential, PNB and also Petronas. Microsoft is also seen to be developing AI technology specifically for science that will be used to find new compounds and materials that are seen to benefit various industries, such as semiconductor development, the search for new fuels, more effective medicines and so on.

Satya Nadella's presence in Malaysia also saw the announcement of an investment of $2.2 billion in the Malaysian market in the form of building digital infrastructure, creating opportunities for AI skills, establishing a National AI Center of Excellence and improving the country's cyber security capabilities.

  In the meantime, Microsoft also announced that by 2025, they will provide 2.5 million individuals in the ASEAN region with the opportunity to increase their knowledge and expertise in the field of AI as a commitment to the ASEAN Digital Masterplan 2025 to develop talent in the sector in the region.

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