Razer Must Pay $1.1 Million for Claiming Zephyr Is an N95 Face Mask

During the pandemic a few years ago, the Razer Zephyr was launched as a face mask that can be used to avoid being attacked by the Covid-19 virus. Among what Razer advertises is that the Zephy passes the standards to be classified as a face mask comparable to the N95. But a court in California disagreed with this advertising and ordered Razer to pay damages to buyers in the United States.

In total Razer will have to refund all buyers a total of $1.1 million. They will also have to pay a civil penalty totaling $100,000. The court found that Razer never sought approval from the FDA or the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) to say the Zephyr passed the N95 standard that blocks 95% of particles between 0.1 and 0.3 mm in size.

In January 2022, Razer stopped marketing the Zephyr as medical grade equipment following serious criticism from medical practitioners. A pair of Zephyrs retails for $99 while the Zephyr Pro retails for $150 with RGB lighting.

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