New to Signal? See the following 5 Tips


Signal was suddenly flooded with new users who moved away from WhatsApp because of its latest privacy policy. Its popularity also increased after Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk recommended this ordering app to millions of his followers.
Signal does prioritize privacy as its main feature. This application uses end-to-end encryption that is enabled by default and is a non-profit organization.

Because it is run as a non -profit organization, the service does not collect user data. Previously, Signal was widely used by activists, people in the hacker community or those who care about privacy.

Signal does not have many customization features like WhatsApp. Although much simpler, Signal has several features that can make conversations more secure and comfortable.

Here are five tips and tricks for using the Signal feature,

1. Activate the screen lock

Signal has a screen lock feature that will lock the app even if the phone is locked. This means that if you want to open the app you have to use a PIN or other method. To enable this feature, enter the Settings menu in the Alerts app, then Privacy and turn on the Screen Lock toggle.

2. Turn off the Join Signal notification

Since many people in your contacts have joined Signal, your cell phone is definitely busy with notifications that let you know if someone has a new account.

This can be annoying, especially if notifications are consecutive. Fortunately, notifications like this can be turned off, by going to Settings, then Notifications, then clicking the Contact Join Alerts toggle to turn them off.

3. Blur the face in the image

Privacy-minded users will also be careful when posting photos with other people's faces, unless they have permission. Fortunately Signal has a feature to blur faces automatically, which can also be used to blur other parts of the photo, such as information on identification cards.

To use this feature, select the photos you want to send, then click the on -screen Blur button, then turn on the Blur face toggle. You can manually use other parts of the screen to blur additional information.

4. Delete messages automatically

WhatsApp recently released a feature to automatically delete or disappear messages. Apparently Signal already has this feature first.

This feature allows users to delete messages that have been sent automatically after a certain time limit. To activate this feature, open a conversation on Alerts, click the contact's name then activate the Missing Messages toggle, then slide the timer to determine how long this message can be seen.

5. Delete photos and videos automatically

Alerts allow users to limit how many times other users can see the photos and videos sent. If you have exceeded the limit, the content will no longer be visible.

This feature is similar but not the same as the missing messages feature. The difference is, photos and videos sent through this feature can be viewed a few weeks after being sent, but can only be viewed once or several times according to the limit.

To use this feature, select the photo or video you want to send, then click the infinity icon in the lower left corner. Then send the attachment as usual.
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