Netflix Ready to Expand to Video Games


Succeeding with movies and TV series, Netflix is ​​poised for a major expansion. They plan to enter the great video game stage.
One of the largest online streaming platforms, has appointed former Electronic Arts (EA) and Facebook executive Mike Verdu as VP of game development at Netflix.

Verdu previously worked as someone who built partnerships with developers, and brought the games they developed to Oculus VR headsets. While it’s not known for sure, how Netflix will deliver the gaming experience to fans.

However, there are two possibilities that will apply. The first assumption is that Netflix will do internal game expansion like Google and Amazon, or do they plan to outsource to larger developers and use streaming technology as a new feature.

According to someone who did not want to be named, Netflix itself is ready to compete by offering video games on its streaming platform next year. The rates charged will differ from current movie streaming.

The reason may be that it is considered the latest program. The good news is, at the moment, streaming platforms don’t plan to charge extra.

When reviewing Netflix’s popularity, through a report compiled by Bloomberg, the company’s own shares have risen. This can be seen from the 3.3 percent increase to USD 566.

Big programs done by Netflix, are becoming more valuable in the eyes of fans. This is because they offer something different from their competitors, such as Disney +, HBO Max and Amazon Prime Video.

In theory, maybe Netflix can actually compete with Google, Amazon, and even the Xbox xCloud. However, in practice it will be very difficult to divert the interest of gamers, because like the Xbox itself, it already has a lot of active community and fans.
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