Strikes Back, China Raises American -sponsored Corona Issue


China seems to be feeling the pinch as the Corona virus theory leaked from the Wuhan lab has not subsided. Even the WHO, which initially rejected the theory, now considers it untenable. Not to be silent, Negara Bambu Tirai also attacked back through social media.
China reportedly used a variety of means so that the theory that the Corona virus originated in the United States resonated. This theory is an old problem, but has recently resurfaced.

Basically, China wants American laboratories to be investigated, specifically at Fort Detrick, Maryland, which is a U.S. military biological weapons research facility, 80 kilometers from Washington.

Several conspiracy theories were raised, for example the US army brought the virus from Fort Detrick to Wuhan by Maatje Bennasi’s army competing in the World Military Games in Wuhan in October 2019. There are also lung disease problems around Fort Detrick although not proven true.

"None of these claims are supported by solid evidence. But that's not the point. Beijing's persistent and consistent allegations have raised doubts in the laboratory, especially in regions of the world where there is distrust of U.S. foreign policy," said Bret Schafer, an analyst from Alliance for Securing Democracy.

China refused to re -investigate the Wuhan laboratory. "We will not accept a search plan that, in some respects, ignores common sense and goes against science," Zeng Yixin, deputy minister of the National Health Commission (NHC), told reporters.

So far, there has been no theoretical evidence of a Corona virus leak from the Wuhan laboratory, as well as the Fort Detrick theory. But China keeps repeating it, perhaps in hopes of becoming a big issue.

The theory is on all social media, be it Facebook, Twitter, Weibo, WhatsApp, to YouTube. Last March, no less than Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian tweeted about the Corona virus allegations from Fort Detrick, which were later also voiced by China’s state -owned media, the Global Times.

“China’s extensive propaganda tools and networks work cleverly to focus on the allegations against Fort Detrick,” Schafer said.

"Since March 2020, the Chinese government and the media have mentioned Fort Detrick in more than 400 articles, videos, tweets and press conferences," he added.
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