9 Data Security Threats on Mobile and How to Overcome Them (Part 1)


Data security threats on HP, especially in the modern era of 2021, must always be watched out for. Have you made sure your cellphone is safe? At least first check the threats below.

Plus, the use of HP is not just for exchanging messages or making calls. HP can already be used to access the system from anywhere. Home security, banking, location tracking, all connected in one hand -- smartphone.

Launch Auth0, Monday (30/8/2021) beware of 9 data security threats on this cellphone. Don't be negligent!

1. Social engineering

Social engineering attacks occur when criminals send fake emails (phishing) or text messages (smishing) to users to deceive. They want to trick users into giving out private information like passwords or even downloading malware onto their devices.

Reports from cybersecurity firms Lookout and Verizon show there was a 37% increase in mobile phishing attacks and these attacks led to big data leaks globally in 2020.

How to fix it

The best way to prevent HP security threats from social engineering is to educate employees about emails and SMS that appear suspicious and should be avoided. Reducing the number of users who can access sensitive data can also be done to protect the company so that attackers lack loopholes to attack the system.

2. Data leak from malicious apps

Be careful, a study says as many as 85% of mobile applications are mostly unsafe. Tom Tovar CEO of Appdome said that hackers can now easily take advantage of unprotected mobile applications to design major attacks or data theft,

What is used? Each application has terms and conditions or permissions to use the application. Call it camera, location, data management, and more. Moreover, some people also just press 'allow' without reading in more detail.

How to fix it:

The best way to deal with data leaks through malicious or unsafe applications is to use mobile application management (MAM). This tool allows enterprise IT admins to manage enterprise applications (remove or control access permissions) on their employees' devices without interfering with the applications or employee personal data.

3. Public WiFi that turns out to be unsafe

Public WiFi is usually less secure than private networks because no one knows who installed it and if it is secure, who is accessing it and monitoring it?

The pandemic has also made many companies choose to work remotely. Beware of criminals who set up WiFi to look 'real and secure' when it's just a trap.

How to fix it:

The way to reduce the threat of attacks is to use a secure VPN so that when users access important systems such as access to company data, their security can be guaranteed.

4. End-to-End Encryption Problem

Like a pipe, end-to-end encryption is a way of protecting connected users. When not using encryption, this pipe means it has a hole to make its 'content' leak. Not only applications that must be end-to-end encrypted, a secure network must also be ensured in other things such as WiFi.

How to fix it:

The solution is only one, make sure everything is encrypted. The instant messaging app you use, WiFi, and other services must be able to prevent unauthorized access.

5. Internet of Things (IoT)

IoT is a device that accesses systems branching from a phone or tablet to include wearable technology (such as the Apple Watch) and physical devices (such as Google Home or Alexa). Since many of the latest IoT mobile devices have IP addresses, it means criminals can use them to gain access to corporate networks via the internet if the device is connected to the system.

How to fix it:

Mobile Device Management (MDM) can help combat shadow IoT threats, you can also use Identity and Access Management (IAM). It should be understood, IoT/Machine-to-Machine (M2M) security is still in an all-out development phase. So every organization needs to consider implementing appropriate technical regulations and policies to ensure the system remains secure.

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