Easy! This is How to Make Italic and Colored Writing on WhatsApp

 If you are tired of seeing the chat appearance on WhatsApp just like that, let's try modifying the text of the message that will be sent. You can make it oblique, bold or colored, it's easy!

WhatsApp allows users to change the appearance of text messages. Either by adding code or using third-party services to make it easier for users.

Here we provide tips on how to make italics to color on WhatsApp.

1. Color Writing

If you want to change WhatsApp text to color, you need a third-party application. Here, we are using Fancy Text + Sticker Maker which used to be called WhatsBlueText. It's just that this application is only available on the Google Play Store.

Once downloaded, run the application. Then select Fancy Text, then write the desired message in the column provided.

After that, you can choose the font style you want. There will be three options, namely "Copy Text", "WhatsApp", and "Share Text".

Because it will send text to WhatsApp, then select the "WhatsApp" option. The WhatsApp application will then automatically open.

Then just choose the friend you want to send the text to.

2. Bold (Bold)

The way to make text bold in WhatsApp is to add an asterisk (*) before and after the text you want to send. For example, *thecekodok*

3. Italic (Italic)

Italic text in WhatsApp can be made by adding an underscore (_) in front and behind the text you want to send. Example _thecekodok_

4. Strikethrough Text

The strikethrough text in WhatsApp is created by adding a tilde (~) to the front and back of the text you want to send. For example, ~thecekodok~

5. Italic, Bold and Strikethrough Teks

Italic, bold and strikethrough tels are created by adding an asterisk, undercover and tilde (*_~) to the front and back of the text you want to send. For example, *_~thecekodok*_~.

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