WHO is worried that the source of the corona virus will not be traced


Where the Corona COVID-19 virus came from may be a mystery that will not be solved as time passes. This was stated by the World Health Organization (WHO) team assigned to track him down and find the cause of the Corona pandemic.

The WHO international team said the opportunity to solve the mystery closed quickly. This investigation required collaboration, but the process did not go smoothly. One of them is that Chinese officials are still reluctant to share the necessary data.

In an analysis published last March, the WHO team suggested the coronavirus may have jumped to humans from animals. Meanwhile, leaks from the Wuhan lab tend to be very unlikely.

The study is said to be just the beginning to trace the origin of the Corona virus. "The window of opportunity to roll out crucial examinations closed quickly, another delay would make some studies biologically impossible," they said.

For example, antibodies in the human body continue to fall. "So collecting follow-up samples and testing people who may be exposed before December 2019 the results will be even less," they explained.

Responding to accusations of China's lack of cooperation, Chinese Foreign Ministry official Fu Cong regretted that the search for the origin of the Corona virus had been hampered, but that was not China's fault. "China will always support and participate in science-based tracking efforts," he said.

However, it is better if research is also conducted in other countries such as the United States. Fu Cong accused the US of exaggerating the theory of the leak of the Corona virus from the lab to scapegoat China. In fact, according to him, the Corona virus could have come from a lab in Uncle Sam's country.

So far, the theory of the Corona virus originating from nature or leaking from the laboratory has not been fully proven. If there are no drastic steps, it is possible that its origin will never be found.

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