Like Bewitched, One Village Sleeps For Days


Kalachi, a village in Kazakhstan, has been dubbed the "sleep hollow" after it was discovered that its inhabitants had been sleeping for days. They are like bewitched and do not wake up.

Quoted from ARY News, the villagers of Kalachi experienced not only strange sleep patterns, but also severe hallucinations. This disorder is not only experienced by adults, children also claim to see winged horses and snakes in their sleep.

Based on statistics, around 160 people experienced traumatic experiences from 2012 to 2015. The same thing was also reported in 2014 by foreign news agencies.

Reports say, people who experience this strange disease will look healthy and conscious, before finally sleeping for a long time. After waking up, these people can't remember anything that happened to them.

There are many theories and speculations running wild guessing the reasons behind the sleep disturbances experienced by people in this village, ranging from poisoned water, to excessive use of alcohol.

This incident also prompted the authorities to investigate the matter. The local government said the strange sleep patterns experienced by the villagers were triggered by the levels of toxic monoxide in the water. Reportedly, the level of monoxide in the water used in the village was 10 times higher than normal.

However, the government's analysis has been questioned by many researchers. Byron Crape, a professor from Nazarbayev University in Kazakhstan, theorizes that there are unused uranium deposits that release chemicals. This content then enters the underground water pump.

Because of their strange sleeping habits, the villagers of Kalachi have been researched many times. Another report said that a number of experts from various disciplines had examined and tested 7,000 times on soil, water, air, villagers' blood samples, nails, hair. Unfortunately, so far there has been no significant explanation.

In late 2012, villagers were reported to have fallen asleep unexpectedly. The occupants can faint during any activity. In fact, in October 2015, this strange disease suddenly disappeared so that no one else experiences it. But now, in 2021, the disease has reappeared.

The locals also have their own theory which states that they are victims of a secret government test. There are also those who call this disease from outside the Earth. So far, the situation in the village of 120 families appears to be under control as no medical abnormalities have been reported.

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