Twitter Will Squirt Posts That Trigger Debate


On platforms like Facebook, usually when a controversial image is posted, such as blood, it will be automatically blurred and accompanied by a warning if the user continues to view it at their own risk.

In the future this warning will also apply to posts containing sensitive topics of discussion that may spark debate between users.

Now besides Facebook, this feature will soon be made by Twitter, where they have announced that they are currently testing to introduce a warning feature on a post that might cause debate or trigger other bad things, either images or writing.

This feature will be named "Heads Up". Not only giving warnings on posting pictures that contain blood or that scare users, but also on posts with sensitive discussion topics such as politics or religion that can spark debate.

"This Heads Up alert will let users know that the conversations in this post can be intense, and that users need to agree that we are all human, important facts, and different perspectives may not be a good thing or a bad thing," Twitter said.

Unfortunately Twitter did not provide more clarity as to what posts will be marked with this warning, but this feature seems to be eagerly awaited by many users so that social media can be more peaceful, not violent.

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