The 6 Biggest Myths and Mysteries of Dinosaurs


Various kinds of myths and mysteries surrounding the existence of dinosaurs tens of millions of years ago. Here are some of them and the answers:

1. Not all dinosaurs are big

The dinosaurs are identified as large animals, even giants. In dinosaur exhibits in museums or in scenes shown in movies, many dinosaurs are large in size and cause the admiration of the viewer. However, dinosaurs varied in size, not all of them were large.

Even in recent years, scientists have found quite a few types of tiny dinosaur fossils. In 2016, for example, a dinosaur tail was excavated whose body was estimated to be only the size of a human palm.

2. Not all dinosaurs had scales

The evidence in the new findings is changing views about dinosaurs, including what their skin actually looked like. While some dinosaurs had scaly skin like that of a reptile, many also looked more like birds. Fossils revealing that dinosaurs had ancient feathers were first discovered in the mid-1990s in China. Today, it is widely accepted among scientists that many dinosaurs were hairy and not scaly as previously thought.

3. Dinosaurs have a variety of colors

It is often depicted in films or other media that the color of the dinosaur was almost entirely green or gray. However, studies of dinosaur fossils, which sometimes contain pigmented structures, have shown that dinosaur feathers varied in color, not just that color. For example, a dinosaur named Sinosauropteryx, some of which had white fur.

4. The mystery of the number of dinosaur species

So far, scientists have identified about 900 species of dinosaurs. It is estimated that there are actually a lot of dinosaur species, some even say 50 thousand to 500 thousand. However, there may be no fossils, so clues are lost.

5. The mystery of the gender of dinosaurs

At the Field Museum in Chicago, the most complete Tyrannosaurus Rex dinosaur fossil is on display. But scientists can not determine whether the sex is female or male. Although there was an assumption that the female T Rex was larger, this finding was not satisfactory enough to determine it.

6. Dinosaurs are not aliens

Dinosaurs are not truly alien creatures, they too can suffer from the same diseases as other animals or even humans, such as infections and cancer. T Rex is a terrible predator, but this animal can fall ill from infection caused by parasites.

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